Pyeong-taek Agape International Church

평택 아가페 국제교회

01. 10. 2021 Sunday message

Let's not live regretful life

Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14



Our God established P.T. Agape International Church for bringing good news of Jesus Christ to the end of the earth through serving immigrants from all nations to Korea to become Jesus Christ’s disciples and sending them back to their own nations as missionaries. We always thank to your precious prayer, concern, support and partnership for our ministry. We welcome all of you who want to join this vison together with us. Thank you and God bless you richly.

"The catchword of the Church"

“I have made you a light for the Gentiles

 that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

"The motto of the church"

“You will be a blessing. All people on earth will be blessed through you.”

(Genesis 12:2-3)

Vision of the church

Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the great commission. Missionaries have been sent to all nations for obeying to it. But our Lord Jesus Christ has made new situation that we can serve this great commission even in our own places because people of all nations are immigrating to our own places very actively more and more due to rapid development of transportation and information technology. It is amazing that we can see and meet all nation people in our own cities, but it is real and true situation. Our God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1Timothy 2:4). To fulfill this God’s wish more rapidly and effectively, He has brought about great shift of people who were in unreached areas into the nations where gospel can be heard easily like South Korea. It must be another great opportunity of world mission. P.T. Agape International Church was established by our God for bringing good news of Jesus Christ to the end of the world through making immigrants from all nations to Korea as Jesus Christ’s disciples and sending them back to their own nations as missionaries. We believe that this situation of world wide immigration will be getting more and more and it will be same to Korea. And P.T. Agape International Church wants to be used by God to fulfill the great commission through serving precious emigrants from all nations to here in South Korea with His gospel. 

Worship Time

Sunday Worship

English International Worship :  Sunday  3:00 P.M. 

Korean Language International Worship :  Sunday  11:00 A.M. 

Wednesday Worship

Wednesday  8:00 P.M. 

Friday Over Night Prayer Meeting

Friday  9:00 P.M. 

Early Morning Prayer Meeting

Monday to Friday 5:30 A.M.

Church events

Regular Bible Studying 

1. Iranian group : Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. in the church 2F

2. Pakistan, India, Bangladesh group : Every Saturday 8:30 P.M. in the church 3F

Event in October 2020

2020 Choo-seok program 

Date : October 1st Thursday to October 2nd Friday

Time : 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Venue : Pyeong-taek Agape International Church 

Contents : Seminar on book of ACTS

Please read book of ACTS previously if you join this event. 


We plan to have Lunar New Year holiday program from February 12th to Feb. 14th 201. Please pray for this special event. 

Friends News

Please pray for sick believers.
Brother Park, Won-youn who has been in hospital almost one year (Husband of deacon Nympha)
Brother Joseph for his left eye vision to be restored again by God'miracle.
Sister Vangie for her one eye to be healed fully. 

Introduction of Ministers

We should worship through  His grace.

Senior pastor

Jeong Caleb (정철원 담임목사)

• Master of Divinity (M.Div) 2003 Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology

• Master of Theology in New Testament (Th.M) 2007 Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology

• Senior pastor of Pyeong-taek Agape International Church 

Vise pastor

Gloria Park (박지혜 목사)

• Seoul National University

• Master of Divinity in Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology

• Vise pastor in Pyeong-taek Agape International Church

Children, youth and women ministry

Korea Association of Independent Churches and Mission Organizations

Pyeong-taek Agape International Church

Contact for senior pastor  

010-7262-6436 /

경기도 평택시 평택1로 9번길 27 (우편번호 17911)

Kyeong-gi-do, Pyeong-taek-si, Pyeon-taek 1 ro, 9 Beon-gil, 27 (Zip code : 17911)